yourSanctuary (formerly Surrey Women’s Aid) was established in June 1977 and is a registered charity supporting women, men and children who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse. Confidential practical and emotional support is offered and the charity aims to enable survivors of abuse to restore their lives and reverse the damage which the abuse causes.
The statistics are staggering:
One case of domestic abuse occurs every 20 seconds in the UK; it is the 2nd most common violent crime in Great Britain.

2 women every week and 30 men per year are killed in England and Wales by current or former partners; domestic abuse has more repeat victims than any other crime.

One in 3 women in Surrey and one in 6 men will experience some form of domestic abuse – physical, psychological, emotional, sexual or financial – in their lifetime.


Every year 750,000 children witness family abuse and in half these cases they are physically harmed.

25% of 13-17 year olds who are dating report experiencing physical violence or verbal, emotional or sexual abuse in their relationships.

yourSanctuary runs two refuges for women and children fleeing domestic violence. The refuges provide safe accommodation for up to 13 families at any one time and various support services are provided to these women and children.
The charity also operates a 24-hour Helpline, answered by trained volunteers and staff. It also provides an Outreach Support programme, through which the charity's Outreach Workers offer free legal and counselling services, as well as running support groups and making referrals to other agencies and service providers. This support is designed to empower clients to reclaim their lives.


Another of the charity's projects is the Women's Safety Programme, supporting women whose partner/ex-partner has been convicted of a domestic abuse offence and sentenced by a court to attend the Integrated Domestic Abuse Programme.
Women's Safety Workers offer specific support and advice to these women and can provide information regarding the perpetrator's progress on the Probation programme. The scheme is designed to prevent repeat victimisation and break the cycle of domestic abuse.
yourSanctuary also places a high priority on raising awareness of domestic abuse among agencies and the wider community.
The Possibilities
yourSanctuary’s work is only limited by our financial constraints.
With increased individual, corporate and trust & foundation support, we could:
•    expand and improve our 24/7 Helpline service
•    boost our education and awareness-raising efforts particularly those aimed at young people
•    strengthen our prevention work through running a significant “for a life without fear” campaign
•    recruit an additional Children’s Refuge Worker so that each refuge has individual support and offer an outreach children’s service
•    develop our expanding volunteer team including a volunteer fundraising events team

The charity has an office base in Monument Way East in Woking and currently employs 7 full-time staff and 12 part-time, and has the support of 66 volunteers.

Is someone you know being frightened, controlled or hurt or abused by a partner or family member?  Help and support is available.  yourSanctuary's 24 hour helpline, covering all of Surrey, is 01483 776822  Visit (serving Surrey Heath, Woking  and Runnymede)