

Brants Bridge update from East Berks CCG JULY 2020

East Berkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) has this week announced that the Brants Bridge minor illness and injury service in Bracknell will continue to be suspended for another three months.

In April, East Berkshire CCG made the decision to temporarily suspend the minor illness and injury services at the walk-in centre. This decision was made in response to COVID-19, the changes in service demand and the most effective use of available clinical resource across the Frimley Health and Care Integrated Care System (ICS) at that time. These challenges still very much exist.

During this time the focus has been to keep patients, families, carers and staff safe and supported. The continuation of the suspension of walk-in same day services in East Berkshire for another three months is in line with this. It maintains the maximum safety of patients and staff as we continue to manage the pandemic. It makes sure that anyone urgently requiring treatment gets the care they need in the best possible way.

You can read the full update on the CCG's website.